I am a huge fan of green superfood powders. I use them at least once a day and I like to mix it up. I use five-ten different ones in any given week. I don't like my body get used to anything and with a very veggie-dense diet I do not need to take a multi. I see countless people however buy the wrong supplements and supplement the wrong way. One-A-Day vitamins are obviously total garbage that wind up at the bottom of the toilet, but there are some other things people really need to pay attention to.
Here are my top products that I think everyone should look into for different reasons. I am not including protein powders because that is a separate post.
1. Green Superfood Supplements Rock
- Green Vibrance by Vibrant Health
This is by far one of the best Green Superfood products on the market. The taste isn't fantastic, but I don't care about that. It mixes great and I like to mix it into Vega electrolyte packets or Ultima electrolyte drink with filtered water because it hides the taste and makes a delicious treat. I drink this at least five times per week. I also add Bragg's apple cider vinegar to make it really alkaline. The version you want of Green Vibrance is 10.3 not 10.1, the older version has 80% of you DV of iron and for men especially this is not a good thing.
- Macro Life Naturals Macro Greens and Junior Coco Greens
Both of these have superb taste and mix easily. I love the chocolate one mixed into some grass-fed whey protein powder and a tiny bit of canned coconut milk for a protein pudding. Delicious.
The taste of this greens is amazing. I absolutely adore the taste, I could drink this straight without any issues.
I love Amazing Grass products, they are fantastic in taste and I believe this a brand of greens that works for everyone because it is very palatable, yet still has a lot of nutrition. The Chocolate Superfood is my favorite, followed by the Creamsicle.
I feel so good when I drink Tonic Alchemy. Tonic Alchemy has 71 amazing ingredients and all natural. It is one of the best supplements I have ever tried.
-Barleans Greens Powder (not the capsules)
Best Green Drink Recipe for restoring nutrients
-1 serving of your preferred green superfood powder
-1 packet of electrolyte mix, i.e. Vega or Ultima, NOT Emergen-C, please never use Emergen-C or for a higher protein beverage use 1 scoop of protein powder
-1-2TBSP raw apple cider vinegar
-1 TBSP bee pollen
-1TBSP chia seeds, I use Bob's Red Mill
-1 TBSP aloe vera juice, I like Lily of the Desert
-1 raw egg yolk
Shake and enjoy
2. Bee Pollen
I like Navitas Naturals Gelatinized Maca powder, it absorbs more easily.
4. Calm Plus Calcium or just Calm
I take the Calm Plus Calcium every night before bed to help me sleep and helps reduce muscle soreness.
This is by far the best supplement ever
5. Fish oil/Krill Oil
6. Grass-fed Beef Gelatin